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How to Upload to Two Youtube Accoutns at Once

Creating and managing multiple YouTube channels can take upwards a lot of fourth dimension and free energy. Only it'southward worth it if you want to brand a splash on the most popular online platform among U.s.a. adults.

Pew Research Center YouTube statistics
Source: Pew Research Center

It as well boasts a whopping 2 billion in monthly online users.

What'due south this mean? Multiple YouTube channels tin can help expand your reach and brand sensation (if you exercise it right).

Below are the absolute all-time ways to manage multiple YouTube channels under one account.

Bonus: Download the gratis thirty-twenty-four hour period program to grow your YouTube post-obit fast , a daily workbook of challenges that will help yous kickstart your Youtube aqueduct growth and track your success. Get real results afterwards one month.

Can you have multiple YouTube channels?

Aye, you can have multiple YouTube channels!

(I mean, we wouldn't be writing this article if you couldn't, correct?)

It used to be that if you wanted to create multiple YouTube channels, you needed to create a split YouTube business relationship for each one. You lot can still do that. Just it's an unnecessary and unproductive use of your time.

Thankfully, YouTube now allows y'all to create channels with your electric current YouTube/Google account. When y'all create these new channels, you create something called a Brand Account linked to your personal account.

Should you have multiple YouTube channels?

You might exist wondering, "Is having multiple YouTube channels really worth it?"

The reply: It depends!

For example, if y'all're a smaller brand that focuses on one specific type of topic—say home workouts—yous could do just fine having a single YouTube aqueduct that offers videos of conditioning regiments, fitness tips, and nutritional advice.

However, if your brand encompasses a wide range of verticals and you have a large existing audition, you might want to consider creating multiple channels.

One practiced instance of this comes from Buzzfeed. Since they're a massive media company, they also have an equally massive audience. Their audience turns to them for videos of all stripes from cooking videos, to product reviews, to even ghost hunting.

Instead of keeping all those unlike video types underneath one account, they create separate channels for them.

In that location are a few reasons for this:

  • Easy searchability. If yous LOVE Buzzfeed'south cooking videos, you desire to be able to find them hands and not become distracted by other content types like product reviews. A specific aqueduct caters to that.
  • Better for the brand. Buzzfeed also has specific make verticals—each with their own unique target user. A separate YouTube aqueduct for each vertical tin can help back up that brand by focusing on that target audience.
  • Dissimilar voices/tones. Y'all might have ii different video series whose goals are completely split up from one another (eastward.g. how to guide vs a daily vlog). If that's the instance, it might just make more than sense to create a separate channel for your daily vlog.
  • Large audience. If your audience is large plenty (more than ten,000 subscribers) a split up channel only makes sense if you lot have different video types like Buzzfeed does.

If you find that this is the case for yous, and then you should definitely create multiple YouTube channels. If y'all're just starting out and building your first few hundred subscribes, stick to one aqueduct for now.

How to create multiple YouTube channels

Earlier we practice anything, you need to make certain you have a Google account. This allows y'all to sign into YouTube.

Create one here if you don't have one.

Once you practice that, you can now create multiple YouTube channels with the Channel Switcher tool. Hither's how it works.

Step ane: Go to your channels list hither. It'll have all of the channels under your account. You should have only ane for now.

Stride 2: Click Create a new channel.

Create a new YouTube channel

Pace iii: You'll now exist able to create a new Brand Account. Cull a name for what you'd like the channel to exist. Then click Create.

Create a Brand Account

Voila! You've merely created a brand new YouTube channel. You'll now be able to upload videos, customize, and view the analytics of this channel.

How to add multiple users to manage your YouTube channel

Of course you might want to add multiple users onto your YouTube channel. This is perfect if yous have a team managing your brand'due south account.

As of May 2020, you tin only add multiple people to manage a Make Business relationship. The upside here is that they don't need a new username and password to access the account when logging in.

Only follow these directions:

Step 1: Make sure you're signed in as the owner of the Brand Account. And so click on your avatar in the elevation right and choose Switch Accounts.

Switch accounts

Cull the Brand Account you'd like to add multiple managers to.

Step two: In the settings, go to Your Channel.

Your Channel YouTube settings

Then click on Settings on the left side bar.

YouTube settings left side bar

Step iii: Under Your YouTube channel is a department that reads Channel managers. Click on Add together or remove manager(s) next to it.

Channel managers add or remove manager(s)

Step 4: In the Brand Account details menu, click on the blueish Manage Permissions push button.

Brand Account details Manage Permissions

At this point, Google might take you verify your account. One time you exercise, the Manage Permissions button volition bring up this window.

Click on the Invite new users button in the top right.

Invite new users button

Stride 4: Blazon in the electronic mail addresses of any and all users who you'd like to have access to this account. You may too choose between three different roles for them:

  • Owner. These users have virtually control over the account. They may also give permission to others to manage the business relationship, delete the account, and remove other owners.
  • Manager. These users will exist able to apply specific Google services for the account like posting videos and photos.
  • Communications director. They can exercise the same as managers but can't actually use YouTube.

Choose which level of access you'd like for your users.

Pace 5: Click on Invite. And you're washed! Those users will receive an invite to participate in managing the account.

How to delete multiple youtube channels

Sometimes things go wrong. Maybe you overestimated the popularity of a channel thought. Maybe the aqueduct no longer aligns with brand goals.

No thing the case, you're going to have to delete the YouTube channel.

Luckily doing then is a cinch and by and large painless.

(I say more often than not because it'due south your hard work you're deleting after all!)

Just follow these instructions:

Footstep 1: Become to your channel settings by clicking on your profile icon in the peak correct of the YouTube homepage. Click Settings.

Step 2: On the correct sidebar, click on Advanced settings.

YouTube advanced settings

Step 3: In the Advanced settings window, click on Delete channel beneath.

Advanced settings delete channel

This volition give you the opportunity to either hide your content or permanently delete your content. Hiding your content will hibernate all content from your YouTube channel temporarily. This means things like your videos, likes, subscribes, and channel name will be fabricated private. Plus all comments will be deleted permanently.

Permanently deleting your content volition delete all of the content in the aqueduct plus the aqueduct itself forever. And so make sure it's what you lot desire to do.

In one case yous select permanently delete click on delete my content.

And that's information technology!

Bonus: Download the free 30-solar day plan to grow your YouTube following fast , a daily workbook of challenges that volition aid you lot kickstart your Youtube channel growth and rails your success. Get real results subsequently one month.

Get the free guide right now!

Tips for managing multiple YouTube channels

To create an engaging and helpful YouTube channel that your audience loves, you lot'll need the right tactics.

Below are but a few means you tin can create a great YouTube aqueduct.

ane. Have a solid visual identity

Quick: What are the brand colors for Coca-Cola? What'due south the logo for McDonald'south? Or Nike?

Chances are you know the respond to all these questions. That'southward because all these brands take a strong visual identity.

Much like your make, your YouTube channel should have a strong visual identity as well. This helps you channel await polished, and helps with creating make sensation.

Be certain to add together a channel icon that represents your brand such as a logo. You'll also want a nice banner image besides.

Just make sure that yous stay in line with YouTube'south prototype dimensions to avoid your photo looking weirdly cropped or stretched.

two. Write a good channel description

Your channel clarification tells new and potential subscribers exactly who you are. And then it's important that you requite them the necessary information that'll make them want to hit that subscribe button.

Front-load crucial bits of information kickoff, and be certain to include the relevant keywords to brand your YouTube channel more searchable.

If you need assist writing one, be sure to cheque out our article on how to write the best YouTube description to help.

3. Post on a consistent schedule

Your audition craves content. Not but that, merely they also require knowing when the content will come out.

The consistency helps your audition know when to come back for more. So it's very of import you lot create and go along to a adept content publishing schedule.

Plan to publish at the same time each day, week, or month.

(or even your yeeeaaarrrrs)

three tools to help y'all manage multiple YouTube channels

Demand some good tools to assist y'all manage your multiple YouTube channels? Nosotros've got your dorsum.

1. Hootsuite

Hootsuite is an all encompassing platform for all your social media management needs.

The best office: It has a built-in tool that allows you to schedule videos to be published beyond multiple YouTube channels.

The platform's built in analytics dashboard allows you to go on a close middle on the YouTube metrics that matter near to your make. It also has a built-in sentiment tool that lets you rail how audiences are feeling about your make in existent time.

Information technology creates comprehensive reports for you and your squad besides. This allows you to encounter what to improve and so you get the best ROI from your marketing upkeep.

You can also respond to and manage comments on your videos from within the Hootsuite dashboard.

To go started for free, check out our plans page hither.

2. TubeBuddy

TubeBuddy is a costless browser extension that performs a boatload of handy tasks like:

  • Publishing videos
  • Tracking keywords
  • Tracking metrics
  • Tracking rankings
  • Sharing videos

Perhaps the biggest boon is its testing tool that allows you to A/B exam and optimize things similar your video's titles, thumbnails, and descriptions.

TubeBuddy also takes care of scheduling videos, which is very nice for marketers who don't want to scramble every week playing catch upwardly with a content calendar.

The platform starts for free, merely if you want to add together more than i channel it is going to cost you lot more for the licensing.

3. YouTube Studio



YouTube Studio is YouTube's official app for content creators—and it's a must download for whatever marketer.

It allows you lot to see everything that you lot'd unremarkably see on your YouTube Studio dashboard, but from the comfort of your own phone. Things similar analytics, scheduling, comments, and likes can now exist observed and responded to in real time.

Plus it also allows you to switch easily between channels in just four easy steps.

The app is completely free. All you need is a YouTube account to get started.

With Hootsuite, you tin easily upload, schedule, and promote your YouTube aqueduct and videos across multiple social networks. Endeavor it gratis today.

Become Started


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